
Industrial Process Simulation & Analysis Highlights

SURTEC RESEARCH is committed to continuous product development. Our new development targets are the result of consequent technical marketing and often realized in cooperation with our customers such as leading universities, steel producers and R&D institutes.

  • DewCal® Humidification System

    Benefit: Used for advanced thermal treatment and coating of high-alloyed-steels (UHSS).

  • N2 - H2 - Gas Humidification

    Dew Points of max +70°C achievable
    Benefit: enlarged R&D applications, i.e. Si-Steel Annealing

  • Mass Adaptive Heater Control

    Benefit: Self-learning (Semi-Automatic Tuning) IR-Heater-Control Software

  • Controlled Cooling

    Benefit: Cooling gradients setting, accurate Close-Loop Cooling Control

  • Gradient Controlled Cooling and Super Fast Gas Cooling

    Benefit: more than 600 K/s gas cooling possible now (MFPS + RAPS), Cooling Gradient Setting

  • TIM – Thermal Induced Mass-Spectrometry

    Optional module allowing in situ analysis of gas-metal reactions over time and temperature

  • OLTM – Oxide Layer Thickness Measurement Module

    in-situ oxide thickness laser measurement before/after pre-oxidation and after reduction

  • Differential Wiping

    (2 x 800 l/min, temperature adjustable wiping gas)
    Benefit: optimal coating control, thin coatings

  • New Multibath System

    up to 3 Stations, i.e. 2 Molten Metal Baths, one Liquid Media Quenching Station can be automatically selected and changed during one simulation test
    (Generation A6)

Further new development informationupon request.


Basically all new developments for SURTEC RESEARCH simulators are retrofittable.
